Is your child Gifted and Talented?

Do you offer extension work?

Yes, I have been trained with gifted and talented children and I know how to extend them. Gifted children need work which challenges them yet is still within their capacity. Additional worksheets are not challenging. A repetition of their school work is not challenging or engaging.

Extending children is about engaging them in challenging activities. Gifted children need to complete activities that are challenging for them; these will often be at a higher level than what they are completing in school. I ensure that activities for gifted children are differentiated from what other children their own age may be doing at school.

Do you do selective school exam preparation?

If all you want for your gifted child is for them to get selective school preparation, then I recommend you enrol your child for a term or 2 at one of the specialist preparation colleges. If I am already tutoring your child and extending them I will devote several sessions to preparation for the selective exam.

What types of work will you with my gifted child?

The type of work I do with a child who is already functioning at a high academic level depends upon that child’s interests and needs and will be determined through above level testing and discussion with the child and their parents.

Possibilities include novel studies, independent research studies with guidance, above level study in Mathematics, scientific investigations, creating detailed pieces of writing aimed at a specific audience, advanced logic puzzles, history, biographical studies, special subject studies.

I use the Bloom, Maker and Williams curriculum models to assist me in developing appropriate challenges for your child.

Contact me for a free assessment via
or by calling 0422 817 347.

Lindsay Went